Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I could really be doing this...

So I hate waiting. Absolutely hate waiting. It's a terrible thing, I know but it doesn't change the fact that I hate waiting. When I order a book from Amazon I'll track the package every day. I'm the kid who will walk from grocery line to grocery line looking for the shortest one (I realize the time I spend looking is the same amount I would spend waiting, it's crazy I know). But I have finally found a time when I wouldn't mind a longer wait.

Yesterday I called World Race because I had questions that were nagging me--mostly about waiting. So here's a bit of our conversation:

Me: so the deadline isn't until May. Does this mean I won't find out if I've been accepted till then?
Rusty: Nope, we let people know within 7-10days of finishing the application.
Me: Oh great (tightness is chest begins), so um, I was just wondering what's your application to acceptance rate?
Rusty: Oh about 90%.
Me: Great! (breath not coming as easily) Small talk, questions, small talk...

I hang up the phone, look at my friend Jenn and say, I might really be doing this. And then the pressure really starts to build. I could really be doing this. My interview (the last piece of the application) is a week from today. So realistically I will know 2 weeks from today if I am traveling the world for 11 months. And it seems as though an act of God is really what's going to keep me out. I could really be doing this.

I think I need a paper bag...

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